Looking in All the Wrong Places

If you have ever lost something, then you know how frustrating it is to try to find something when you have no idea where to look.  Knowing where to look for something is of vital importance to success. In spiritual matters knowing where to look is even more important. Satan knows the value of misdirection as a tool to lead people astray. His misdirection is furthered by our own spiritual blindness apart from God. 

Our blindness and tendency to look in the wrong places works itself out in two ways today—looking for God and looking for who to blame in the wrong places. How you answer these questions reveals a lot of what you believe about God, yourself, the world, and salvation. It should come as no surprise that the popular answers in our age stand in stark contrast to Christian belief. 

Looking For God Within

In his book, Above All Earthly Pow’rs, David Wells tells of the rise in popularity of spirituality in our relativistic world. While this may sound like good news for Christians, this new thirst for spirituality is decidedly anti-Christian. Wells demonstrates that most people in the west believe spirituality and connection with God comes from within, not from external revelation like Scripture. In other words, if you want to have a relationship with God, if you want to know him, all you have to do in turn inward and get to know yourself better. Salvation comes by looking within and becoming more self-actualized. The spiritual search begins and ends with the self. 

According to this spiritual search we find God in ourselves. By turning inward we search for an experience of a spiritual nature, whatever that means, which confirms that we are connected to God naturally. Basically we are one with God.  Each of us can have our own subjective experiences with “God” within ourselves which no one is allowed to judge.  Of course, when we turn within to find God we are in fact making ourselves into gods. It is our intuitions, our experiences, our desires, and our imaginations that come to define who God is. In the end, we have turned the self into our idol to be worshiped by ourselves. 

The God of Scripture, though intimate with his creation, is separate from it. Moreover, mankind is separated from God by our sin. If you hope to find God by turning to yourself, who happens to be a sinner, you will never find God.  The God who is there, is found outside of us. He is an objective reality, a personal God who really does exist. If we want to know him, it cannot come by you reaching up to him; rather, it comes by him reaching down to us in grace. This is done chiefly in the person and work of the God-man—Jesus Christ. If you hope to find God by turning inward, you will never find him because you are looking in the wrong place. 

Looking Outside for the Problem

It should come as no surprise when we make ourselves into mini-gods, that when we look for the chief problem in mankind that it must be outside of ourselves. After all, if we are divine, we cannot be at fault. Paul Tripp points out this reality in his work, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, that when something goes wrong we are quick to assign blame anywhere but with ourselves.  When we get angry it is someone else’s fault we are angry. When we treat someone with disrespect, it turns out it is their fault because they were mean to us first!  Where do we look for the source of our problems? Externally we are told. If we are gods, the problems must come from the outside. 

The flavor of the day is that everyone is a victim and nothing is anyone’s fault. This clashes headlong with the testimony of Scripture. Jesus tells us we do what we want to do and our actions reveal our hearts (Luke 6:43-45; Matt. 23:25-26; Matt. 6:19-24). What Christianity asserts is that our chief problem is our individual sin as sinners. My chief problem is my sin. Your chief problem is your sin. We are sinners and we must start our search of what is wrong by humbly looking within. Not only am I the problem, I cannot be the solution. I need someone greater than myself. 

Looking in the Right Places

We look within to find God and we look outside of ourselves to assign blame. Both are futile searches because they are looking in the wrong place. We are told to find God within and to always assign blame elsewhere.  Scripture’s message to us is that we are full of ourselves and that we are digging in the wrong field. 

These searches also display our extreme self-righteousness.  We make ourselves primary to accessing God thus making ourselves out to be divine. Then we arrogantly shift all blame away from ourselves. We have a very high view of ourselves, one God does not share.

The gospel of the age says I can act first by reaching inward to find God. But the gospel of Jesus Christ shows us God must act first, he must grant us grace. We cannot find him by searching within, there is only sin, blindness, and death found within.  We must know God on his terms, as he revealed himself to us in his Word and in the person of Christ. He must reach down to us and reveal himself to us and grant us eyes to see. 

The Bible tells us that we must look within to find the problem. We are sinners, not gods. We need a savior who is God. This is what Jesus did. He came as the God-man to save us. And his call to us is not about self-realization, but for us to repent and believe in him (not ourselves). 

We must flip the script. We are to look within to see our sin and thus our need for a savior. Then we must turn and look outside of ourselves to the God of the universe. Only in him is there salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ.  He has revealed himself to us, and he has told us where to look. In order to find God we must first realize we are not him and that we are the problem. 


Knowing Our Enemy

In our Adult Sunday School Class we are looking at how to grow in personal holiness. This past week we discussed sin—its origin, nature, and characteristics. Why would we study what sin is and how it impacts us?

First, because it is wise to know your enemy. Growing up playing basketball our team would watch tape of our opponents to learn their tendencies and plays. This would give us an idea of how to defend against them and hopefully beat them. The same is true of sin. If we understand how it seeks to lead us astray we can prepare ourselves for it.

Second, when we look at the pervasiveness of sin it should drive us to the gospel. Left to ourselves, with our sinful nature, there is no hope to defeat sin at all. This foe is beyond any of us, so we must run to Christ with everything we have. In him alone is there hope for salvation.

Below is a list of some of the characteristics of sin we covered. As you read through this list it should be become evident how much you need someone greater than yourself. We are sinners by nature and by choice and this means we are already impacted by these effects of sin:

Sin is hostility toward God

  • Since sin is defined as a failure to meet God’s law and his character, sin is thus hostility to God
  • Sin is cosmic rebellion, it is nothing short of shaking our fists and spitting in the face of the one who made us and sustains us

Sin is also hostility toward others

  • When we sin against others we are showing hostility toward them
  • When we choose to sin against someone we are choosing that sin over loving that person

Sin is deceptive

  • Satan is the great deceiver and sin operates by blinding us to truth, to reality, to ourselves, to others and to God
  • Sin promises us so much like satisfaction, identity, fulfillment, joy, life, freedom but it simply cannot deliver on those promises
  • This deception is powerful because it appeals to our desires and our fallen nature

Sin is death

  • God is the source of life, he even sustains the lives of sinners, but sin is opposed to the very source of life
  • Sin promises life, it promises that we will be like God, but it only delivers death
  • The wages of sin is death, but even now those in Adam, those not in Christ, are spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins (Eph. 2.1)
  • In the end sin leads to eternal death of body and soul in hell
  • This means when we choose sin we are choosing death over life
  • Is it no wonder that this world and culture is marked by death?

Sin is slavery

  • Sin promises freedom but it leads to bondage
  • Jesus says in John 8:34, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.”
  • Since we all sin, we all are slaves to it 
  • Only Christ can free us from this slavery

Sin is anti-human

  • Man was made in the image of God and we were at that time without sin
  • In the new creation we will be without sin made in the perfect image of the Son of Man
  • This means the initial and final state of mankind is sinless
  • Far from giving us an identity, or a purpose, sin actually destroys the purpose humanity was created for—to be in relation with God
  • Sin is therefore anti true humanity

Sin is madness

  • Sin does not make any sense and it does not align with the reality of God
  • This makes sin crazy as  it fights against the basis of all reality
  • As one goes down the path of sin, a person or a culture, their madness and craziness only increases
  • So much so that God will even hand them over to it as a judgment (Rom. 1-2)

Sin is a foe beyond any of us

  • We are born into this death, this slavery, and yet we love it and choose it for ourselves
  • The impact is we stray from our designed purpose, from God, from reality, and we run toward death and madness
  • There is no strength in man to oppose such an enemy
  • We are in a sense our own worst enemy

Seeing all of this helps to put into perspective how great our savior is. Where we failed, he succeeded. Where we sin, he is holy and perfect. Where we are dead, he chose death so that he might bring eternal life to us. We have given in to sin and death, but He has overcome it. Jesus Christ is the only hope we have to see, to live, to return our original purpose, to be sane, and to be saved. All glory belongs to Christ our Lord who died in the place of sinners and who defeated our enemy by the power of his indestructible life. By better seeing sin we should be able to  turn to Christ with renewed praise, worship, and dependence.


Love God More than Your Relationships

We are relational beings by design. God created us to be in relation with both him and others. To have relationships with others is a blessing of God. This is one way God shapes his people, especially within the church, through godly relationships. There are few blessings of greater worth than godly relationships.

But with all good things, Satan, our culture, and we can twist what God designed for good to our own detriment. God has called us to love him with everything we have (Mark 12.30), not to love people more than him. When we love someone more than God, it will lead us away from the one who created us to enjoy relationships in the first place. 

Now to be clear, God wants us to love others. But he wants us to do so underneath and as a result of our love for him. Our love for others must never overshadow our love and obedience to God. When they do, we have already been deceived, and the groundwork has been laid for greater and greater deception. 

It is this potential for relationships to deceive us, and to even supplant God, which leads to some of the more difficult passages of Scripture. In Deuteronomy God tells the Israelites to not marry any of the Canaanites. The concern here is not ethnic purity; rather, it is that the Canaanites will lead the Israelites to worship false gods (Deut. 7.3-4).  God gave this command for the good of Israel, because if they were to stray  away God they would in turn receive his punishment. 

Sadly, Israel did not obey. This is chiefly demonstrated by King Solomon who had many foreign wives who led him away from God (1 Kings 11). This was the genesis of the breaking of Israel and eventually their exile. 

It is in this vein that Jesus utters a similar warning in Matthew 10:37, “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Why would Jesus say such a thing? This is type of statement sounds harsh and backwards in our culture today. But he said this because he knows relationships can be deceptive which can lead them to being viewed as more important than God. It is easy to be blinded by what you can see and touch. It is easy to receive the acceptance, love, and joy of another person and thus elevate upon God. It is easy to value people over God precisely because they are right before us. Yet when we do this, we make them into an idol, a false god. When place people in the place where only God belongs, we will further compromise our relationship with him. 

Sadly I have seen this all too often. Whether it is the pastor or theologian who has a close family member who “comes out” as gay, leading them to compromise what scripture teaches us about it. Or if it the Christian kid who appears rock solid in the faith until they “fall in love” with a Catholic. Now in pursuit of that love and being “complete” they convert leaving behind the teachings of Scripture. Or if it's the professing Christian who rightly desires to be married that he/she will use the term “Christian” as just a box which must be checked off. "You call yourself a Christian? That's all I needed to hear!"

The results in these scenarios are sad but predictable. When we value relationships  over God we have setup a false god in this place. When we do that, inevitably we will walk farther and farther from God as we chase a false god. 

When thinking about relationships, whether friendships, family, or romantic, I think there are three questions we should ask of ourselves.

1. Do I have a proper view of relationships, especially marriage? 

Our culture tells us that life is about love, especially romantic love. Friendship, family, and spouses are great gifts from God, but they are not ultimate. Relationships will either lead toward God or away from him. A lot of this starts with what priority you place on relationships. If you value them too highly, to the extent that you are willing to compromise your beliefs or change them simply because of someone you know, then you have an idol problem. You have too high of a view of the importance of that relationship.  Instead, our relationships should honor God by pointing ourselves and others to him and his truth. Godly relationships recognize that God is ultimate. 

2. Is this relationship bringing my closer to God or farther from him?

Parents rightly fear that their children may fall in with the wrong crowd. But we rarely think about this for ourselves. God established boundaries in relationships to safeguard his people, not to be a fun-hater. Christians, you must only marry actual Christians. That is those who are actively seeking God through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. If your relationship is in violation to God’s commands, then you need to rethink it. If your relationship is causing you to sin, then you must repent. If your relationship is causing you compromise, or to become more like the world, then you are being deceived. But if your relationship encourages you to grow in faith, to love other rightly, then enjoy it to the fullest extent and thus bring glory to God. One way or the other we must recognize that deceptive power relationship can present. Your relationships will either draw you near to God or pull you far from him. 

3. Am I seeking to get something from this relationship it can’t provide?

Because of our natural desire for relationships we can sometimes go to them seeking something they were never designed to give us. Our culture tells us that romantic love is highest goal. That you must find that “soul-mate” who will “complete you”. This is utter nonsense. If you seek to find your worth, fulfillment, identity, or reason for life in another person then you have setup a false idol who is both deaf and mute. By this I mean this relationship cannot bring that about, and no relationship between humans ever will. Your relationship may take the place of God in your heart, but it can never actually replace the God of the universe. These things, can only come from God through Jesus Christ. If you are seeking them in other people, you cannot be seeking God as you should be. If this is what you are doing, then your relationship will not be God-honoring and it will, like with Solomon, lead you farther from God and not closer to him. Seek your purpose in God, not in man. 

We must teach ourselves and our children to love God more than our relationships. If following God costs you a relationship, if it means you must be single longer than you want to be, if it means the world will despise you, then you must follow God and not man. Relationships are a good gift from God, but God is greater still. 

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Thankful to Whom?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. As such our culture will be talking about what they are thankful for and about giving thanks. There is no doubt that being thankful is a good thing as it prevents us from becoming selfish and prideful. But the question we should all ask ourselves every Thanksgiving is, “To whom am I thankful? If we are giving thanks, then who is receiving this thanks?"

For much of our history Christianity has been the assumed background of America. This meant when people talked about giving thanks it was assumed that the God of Scripture was in view. There was no need to specify who  was receiving this thanks. Things are very different today. For example, my unbelieving neighbor may say he is thankful to God, but he in no way would mean he is thankful to the God of Scripture. He is thankful to some undefined belief in a higher-being. 

Others in our society have absolutely nothing and no one they are directing their thankfulness toward. They are just happy they have lots of stuff. In reality they are thankful about things they possess without directing that knowledge toward anything outside of themselves. Our society no longer has a shared worldview, an assumed Christianity,  so when different people express thankfulness they may be directing it toward Allah, Vishnu, the universe, karma, fate, luck, a nameless god which resembles a personal cheerleader, or even themselves!

It is here that Christians must pause and think deeply about how we communicate our thankfulness in world marked by this confusion and relativism. As Francis Schaeffer reminded us, we worship the God who really is there. He really does exist and our God is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Our thankfulness does have a direction—The LORD God of Scripture. As we gather tomorrow to express thankfulness, we have the unique opportunity to define who are thankful too in contrast to the undefined thankfulness which saturates our culture. In defining our thankfulness, we are not only recognizing reality, but we are also proclaiming the gospel to a confused world. 

As Christians we can offer this contrast as we gather with friends and family and as we talk about Thanksgiving in public or on social media. The contrast is that we are giving thanks to an actual God who does exist and who has in reality blessed us. 

We are thankful to God of the Bible who has revealed himself to us through the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is Christ who is the foundation for our hope and the chief reason we are thankful. It is because of Christ that we can offer thanks to the God who is there, the one who rules the universe. This is what I am thankful for—that I know the Lord of lords through the work of Jesus Christ.

It is precisely because this God is real that we shouldn't hesitate to clearly say that we are thankful to the God of Scripture  as opposed to being thankful just for the sake of being thankful. Our God is there and he has blessed us; so let us offer him the thanks which is his due. 


You Will Know Them by Their Fruit: The Fruit of the Hatmakers Laid Bare

Last week I posted about Jen Hatmaker endorsing homosexual marriage as being holy. In that post I called Hatmaker a wolf in sheep's clothing and that it was clear that she and others like her who claim to be Christian actually practice a different religion. As I stated last week, I hope and pray Hatmaker repents, this is still my prayer, but her husband, Brandon Hatmaker, has joined the conversation this week and he has doubled down on his wife’s statements.  Brandon, unlike his wife, did offer some of his “biblical” reasons for supporting homosexual marriage here

At this point I would like to direct you to some great responses by solid Christians. You can find a response from Kevin DeYoung I wholeheartedly endorse here. You can also find a response by Rosaria Butterfield, a former lesbian, here. Both are excellent and better than anything I will write on the subject.

Nonetheless, I have received a request to respond to Brandon Hatmaker’s arguments so I will continue my small part of this discussion. I plan on responding to what I view as some of the more important errors in his brief statement. Time does not permit me to respond to every error in his brief statement.

While I hope the Hatmakers will repent,  the more they defend themselves the more it becomes clear they are indeed wolves in sheep's clothing. Consider that statement for a second: a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

This analogy warns of the danger of this type of wolf because  they will look like sheep, talk like sheep, and even think they are sheep, yet are inwardly “ravenous wolves”  (Matt. 7:15-23). They are dangerous precisely because so much of what they say and do is exactly what a sheep would do. I find this to be true in much of Brandon’s statement. He sounds so Christian, yet the core of what he is saying is anti-gospel and anti-Christ.

The question becomes for us sheep, “How are we to tell if someone is a sheep or a wolf?” Thankfully Jesus tells us how when he shifts analogies in Matthew 7 saying we will know a tree by its fruit—a good tree will produce good fruit and a bad tree, bad fruit (Matt. 7.15-23).  It is my assertion the Hatmakers are showing the type of tree they are by showing us their bad fruit. Bad fruit cannot come from a good tree according to Jesus.  This means they are wolves. I pray they repent, that is my heart’s desire. But the goal of my post is protect true sheep from being deceived and devoured. This is one of the jobs of a shepherd after all. Please note this post is entirely too long, but there was much for me to correct. Therefore, I have included section headings for your convenience. 

What’s at Stake: The True Jesus and True Salvation

One of the wonderful (and horrible) things about posting on social media is you get to see how people respond to your beliefs. To me it is often in these posts that a lot of light and clarity is brought to how our culture thinks. That is the good news. The bad news is if you read many comments sections you know our culture is not prone to sound thinking anymore.

I saw one response to my article last week which called me hateful and divisive, and yet in doing so the author insisted we were all united. This is an odd contradiction to assert that we are united but to then separate yourself from being like me. Then the author inadvertently proved my point by writing:

“This article puts us vs them, for example ‘In the end, we are not united. In the end, we are opposed to each other like wolves and sheep.’ That couldn't be further from the Christ I know.” (Emphasis mine)

The hypocrisy of this statement is so deafening it is amazing that the author failed to recognize it. First, I am rebuked for doing an “us versus them” and then the author says the very same thing I said in my article that we don't know the same version of “Christ""— this isn’t the Christ she knows… Exactly. That is the point. You and I believe in different Jesuses and this means we believe in two different religions. Her own statement proved that despite us both claiming the name of Christ we are in fact talking about different people.

What also escaped her was the idea of division between the wolves and sheep, good trees and bad trees,  is taken directly from the words of Jesus in Matthew 7. The Jesus of the gospel of Matthew, by her own admission, is not the Jesus she knows. This is the problem—many have fashioned an image of Jesus which has no basis in Scripture. They have made an idol that looks and sounds an awful lot like our culture. What is at stake here is who Jesus really is and thus how we are really saved. 

While my tone may at times sound harsh it is my goal to bring light to the situation so that these things become clear.

To that end Brandon Hatmaker in his post encourages us to be careful about what we post online in response to him because, “There is a real human on the other end of every Facebook post…” These words are true, but his encouragement falls short.

Our goal must not be to not offend or hurt people’s feelings with our posts (nor should we go attack people unjustly).  We know that the gospel is offensive and is by nature a stumbling block to many (1 Cor. 1.23).

There is more at stake here than hurt feelings over a disagreement. If 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is correct that no homosexual will inherit the kingdom of God, then eternal human souls are at stake. If 1 Corinthians 6 is true, then the Hatmakers are deceiving people into thinking they are going to heaven when in fact they are going to Hell. Salvation for many people is at stake in this disagreement. Either we or they are driving people away from God and away from salvation. The stakes could not be higher and as such our responses must have the proper tone and weight.  Let’s turn to the heart of Hatmakers’ argument.

The Bad Fruit on Full Display

Brandon Hatmaker starts by comforting us who say they have abandoned Scripture.  In fact, he assures us, they arrived at this position by the diligent study of God’s Word. They claim to be representing the Bible accurately and that they are submitting to it. Their proof? They studied a lot. Well then, case closed. 

At this point it must be noted that every heresy attached to Christianity would say  the exact same thing. They all claim to respect and revere Scripture from Jehovah’s Witnesses, to Mormons, to Protestant Liberals. Almost no one says, “I came to this decision on whim and ignored the Bible completely by twisting it to my own desires.”

Personal assurances of hard study do not guarantee fidelity to Scripture. A wolf who acts like a sheep and thinks himself to be sheep would say they respect Scripture and are faithful to it. But their fruit tells us a different story. This is what occurs later in Matthew 7 when people claim to have done the work of the Lord and yet Jesus denies ever knowing them because of their lawlessness (7:21-23). This is what I believe to be occurring here. The Hatmakers are claiming the name of our Lord Jesus, yet they are promoting lawlessness. This is a very rotten bunch of fruit. 

The heart of the Hatmakers’ argument is found in the following quotes:

“The historical view [of Christianity] is that scripture is clear on homosexuality. What we found is that it’s not as simple as traditionally taught.”

“Every verse in the Bible that is used to condemn a “homosexual” act is written in the context of rape, prostitution, idolatry, pederasty, military dominance, an affair, or adultery… not one of these scriptures was written in the context of marriage or civil union (which simple did not exist at this time).”

There are so many inaccuracies in these quotes it is hard to know where to start. Let’s first work out the logic of their argument.

The Hatmakers later concede that all sexual activity outside of marriage, gay or not, is sin. They also claim that homosexual  marriages and civil unions did not exist in the ancient world.  So one has to wonder, “Since according to the Hatmakers gay marriage and civil unions did not exist at that time, then it must be true that all homosexual activity was sinful until it was endorsed by the state in the last generation?”  That would be odd wouldn’t it? All expressions of homosexuality were sinful throughout human history until the last 30 years. This conclusion is simply breathtaking;  yet I doubt they would hold to such a conclusion despite the fact that their argument demands it be true.

I do applaud the Hatmakers for acknowledging the historical position of the church for the last 2000 years has been that all homosexual acts are sinful. This though leads to further issues for their position.

We must ask following question, “What has changed?” I mean it takes a massive amount of arrogance to insist, without clear biblical support, that for 2000 years the whole of the Christian church got this wrong. That all of sudden now we have arrived and know better than all those simpletons who cam before us!

To make such an argument rests on an assumption of one’s own superiority in thinking and in culture. This argument boils down to asserting that those who were closer in both culture and language to the New Testament, those who actually spoke Greek as their primary language, didn’t understand the language being used to prohibit homosexuality as well as our 21st century eggheads do. This type of arrogance is staggering when one takes a step back and sees it in historical context.

So again we must ask, “If for 2000 years this teaching remained the same, what could possibly be driving this change? Could it be that the pressure culture is placing upon us, instead of Scripture itself, is driving this change?” If you think you found something new in Scripture that everyone else has missed for 2000 years, you are probably wandering into heresy.

Let’s turn to the core of their argument. The Hatmakers insist that all of the verses used to condemn homosexuality are in essence not written in the context of homosexuality as it exists today. Namely, the context of all the passages in Scripture about homosexuality are about bad forms of homosexuality like rape and adultery and thus have have nothing to do with  loving and committed same-sex unions. Is what the Hatmakers assert true? No, not even close.

There are two false premises of this argument. First, the belief that the Bible’s references to homosexuality are qualified and are thus talking about types of “bad” homosexual activities like rape, domination, pederasty, etc.  Second, that the writers of Scripture knew nothing about long-term, committed homosexual unions and ceremonies. The belief that these types of homosexual relationships did not exist in biblical times. I will address these both.

Are the Bible’s References to Homosexuality Limited to Rape, Idolatry, Pederasty, Adultery, etc.?

In this section I would like to point you to Kevin DeYoung once again. He wrote a book called, “What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?” In this book he addresses this argument (and the other ones) thoroughly and biblically. I will be relying on this book and quoting from it often in this section.

When one looks at the passages in Scripture which deal  with homosexual acts it is clear the texts leave their condemnations open-ended. By this I mean the texts are not narrowed to only bad types of homosexuality like rape, pederasty, domination, adultery, etc. How the Hatmakers arrived at the conclusion that these texts are only in reference to bad types of homsexuality has no basis in the actual passages. 

The authors of the various could have used more specific wording like adultery or pederasty to label such things as sin yet none of them did. Instead the authors used broad language to condemn homosexual acts in general. Why would Paul and others in an attempt to condemn pederasty, rape, or adultery use only broad language about homosexuality when they could have been more specific?  If that was their goal then the authors did a terrible job communicating a limited condemnation of homosexuality. I will give two examples from Scripture that leave little doubt.

Leviticus 18 is the first example. In this chapter we are told of many sexual practices which were prohibited. This list of unacceptable sexual relations includes relations with: close relatives, your father’s wife, your sister, your mother’s daughter, your aunt, your brother’s wife, animals, and to not marry your wife’s sister. It is crystal clear that this list is not in the context of just adultery, rape, idolatry, pederasty, etc. If it is, then we can use the same arguments the Hatmakers use for justifying incest, bestiality, polygamy, etc. If their interpretation is correct there is no basis to be against any of these sexual acts. 

It is in the middle of this list, in Leviticus 18.22 where we read, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” There is no hint whatsoever that this command is anything but broad and universal to include all forms of male homosexuality. You shall not lay with an animal and you shall not lay with a man like a woman. It is pretty clear and it is not narrowed at all by talk of rape or any other sexual sin.

Any person who would assert the prohibition against homosexuality in this passage is not universal can only do so by in essence saying, “It isn’t because I say it isn’t.” The text itself does no such thing. It says men are not to have sex with men just like they are not to have sex with their aunt, their father’s wife, their wife’s sister, or animals. The text is clear.

It is here where the screaming starts, “Well you eat shellfish don’t you? You’re breaking the Levitical law too!” To that I say, “No, I don’t eat shellfish. I hate seafood.”

In all seriousness, many will make this vaunted and critical error. The Hatmakers didn’t, so I will not address it here. Instead, I will move to a New Testament example to demonstrate the continuity between the Old and New Testaments as they both stand against all forms of homosexuality.

In Romans 1:18-32 Paul has his famous discussion of God handing people over to the wicked desires of homosexuality. This handing over is an act of God’s judgment.  All of this is a result of people rejecting God and following false gods. In this passage both male and female homosexual relations are condemned (1.26-27). The wording here is very particular and should sound familiar to what our culture promotes today as good homosexuality:

…For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another

There are several things to note here. The natural sexual relations are exchanged for that which is “unnatural.” Anyone familiar with human biology knows what this means—they have left behind heterosexuality for homosexuality. Such actions are against nature, they defy biology. 

 But the Holy Spirit through Paul does not stop there; he says these people are “consumed with passion for one another.” This could hardly more clear—their desire is for one another. It is a mutual desire for homosexual acts.  The two parties in this same-sex union desire and have sexual passion for their homosexual partner. This is a willing and mutual relationship where both parties are consenting and getting exactly what their unnatural passions want. Is that not how homosexuality functions today---revolving around the freedom to "love" whoever I was "born" to love? It appears Paul knew of this type of homosexual behavior. 

So not only is this text not limited to only "bad" forms of homosexuality, it it clearly about those who were wanting and mutually engaged in homosexual relations. 

The text is clear and it is not just conservative Christians who can see this. Here is a quote from lesbian historian Bernadette Brooten about Romans 1 “I See Paul as condemning all forms of homoeroticism as the unnatural acts of people who had turned away from God” (quote taken from DeYoung’s book).

For the Hatmakers, one must conclude that despite all their assertions that they are taking Scripture seriously, that it is their chief authority, and that they have done a lot of studying, that their position is decidedly anti-Scripture. It cannot stand up against even a cursory examination of two texts.

Couple this with there being no historical support of homosexuality found in the church and that there is not even a single positive verse in Scripture about homosexuality, we must conclude it cannot be a respect for the authority of Scripture which is driving the beliefs of the Hatmakers about homosexuality. Something else is. 

This leaves them with one final out, perhaps the authors of Scripture knew only about homosexuality that was deformed. The Hatmakers insist that gay unions like civil unions and marriages didn’t exist back then. The authors of Scripture must not have known about things like sexual orientation, committed marriages and unions which were homosexual as we do today. The reasoning goes, that if this is true then all of the verses in Scripture just assume rape, pederasty, domination, etc. when discussing homosexuality.

This argument could possibly have weight to it if it had any historical validity to it, but it doesn’t. Any study of the ancient world shows us that homosexuality like we have today is nothing new. The Greeks and Romans in particular had every form of homosexual practice we have today. Yes these existed, and to some extent were popular, during biblical times. The LGBTQ movement knows this to be true and has used this historical reality often to show they are not something “new” or “strange.”  They assert contrary to the Hatmakers that their sexual appetites have existed for centuries. And they are correct.

Nero, the emperor of Rome during much of Paul’s ministry, was married twice to men in public ceremonies. Once he was married as the bride and once as the groom! It is believed that 13 of the first 14 Roman emperors were either homosexual or bisexual.  Homosexual practice was very common in Roman society so much so the society was sharply divided over whether it was a good thing or not. Sound familiar?

According to Thomas Hubbard, a non-Christian expert in Greek and Roman culture, and author of the book, “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome,” homosexual behavior in that time was wide ranging and complicated. Some homosexual lovers swore lifelong attraction, some were lifelong partners, some of their ‘marriages” were gender nonspecific. Some homosexuals even identified themselves by their sexual desires and saw homosexuality as antithetical to heterosexuality. In terms of scope and practice homosexuality in Rome and Greece had everything we have today (see Deyoung's book).

It goes farther back than that as well. In Plato’s Symposium there are several sections on homosexual love in specific. In these sections homosexual love is praised for being natural and long-lasting. These statements are given in the context of two grown men who are mutually consenting and devoted in their ‘love’. There is even a speech given which suggests that these homosexual desires may be a result of our genetics, or how we put it, “They were born this way.” Plato’s work was written in the 300’s BC. Over three hundred years before the New Testament. Clearly our type of homosexuality did exist in biblical times. 

The assertion the Hatmakers made about Homosexuality being different in biblical times is nothing short of either ignorance or a lie. History tells us a different story then the Hatmakers tell.

Our modern homosexual movement readily recognizes that their type of sexual behavior is nothing new and for once I agree with them. This means though that liberal-minded Christians need to study history a little more thoroughly before they use such easily debunked nonsense. 

In fact, it wasn’t until the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in the 300s AD that homosexual acts, all of them, were outlawed in the Roman Empire. Why? Because the early Christians knew this is exactly what Scripture taught—all forms of homosexuality are sinful.

An examination of both history and the text shows us there is no argument for the Hatmakers' position left. Therefore, we must acknowledge they believe the way they do because that is what they want to believe. Their affirmation of homosexuality cannot be attributed to Scripture.  

The End of the Matter

So the fruit of the Hatmaker’s tree is laid bare for all to see. This is bad fruit which is evidence of a bad tree. There is no scriptural or historical reason to claim committed homosexual relationships are holy. To suggest so is to show towering ignorance of Scripture, church history, world history and a breathtaking amount of arrogance.

This is the foundation the Hatmakers and others are building upon to tell millions they are fine, that they aren’t sinning and they're going to heaven. If I were to make that argument, I would want at least one leg to stand upon.

These are wolves, and the sheep need to take notice so that no one is caught off guard by their tactics. The fruit is plain for us all to see and the stakes are high as millions are being deceived into thinking they are at peace with God when in fact they are in need of salvation.

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”- 1 Corinthians 6.9-11