Devil in the Blue Jeans

We have an independent streak in our society. Being original is considered a virtue to be pursued. The term rebel is often used in a praiseworthy way of such individuality. The problem is most rebels today are not that original at all. This is especially true when it comes to theology. A person may think he is being a brave and rebellious hero by adopting liberal theological views (i.e. accepting homosexuality, denying the truthfulness of the Bible, promoting a Marxist idea of justice, etc), but the reality is such a person is  neither original, nor a hero. Such originality is really just doing and believing what the spirit of the age puts forward as true. This is not original, though it is rebellious against God and his word. 

In his work, The Great Evangelical Disaster, Francis Schaeffer wrote the following concerning rebels in the 1960s:

They were rebels. They knew they were, for they wore the rebel’s mark—the worn-out blue jeans. But they did not seem to notice that the blue jeans had become the mark of accommodation—that indeed, everyone was in blue jeans…It is so easy to be radical in the wearing of blue jeans when it fits in with the general climate of wearing blue jeans. 

In the sixties many thought they were rebelling or being original by wearing blue jeans but in reality they were all dressing the same. They thought they were being cutting-edge, but in reality the whole climate embraced the wearing of worn-out blue jeans. All they had done is accommodate the prevailing wind of the age which is really not very rebellious or original. 

Schaeffer went to apply this to theological liberalism and its spread within the church. Those who want to be rebels often do so by wearing the blue jeans of accepting the morality of secularism, but they end up just looking like the culture of the day. It is easy to wear those blue jeans when the world wants you to and when it praises you for doing so. It is easy to wear blue jeans when it fits in with the general climate of wearing blue jeans.

To be a true rebel, a rebel with a cause, Christians are called to be against the spirit of whatever age they find themselves in. For example, today it takes no bravery whatsoever to wave a rainbow flag in public. To do so, especially in the name of Christianity, will earn you praise for it is exactly what the climate of our age is. There is no courage required for such an act today, rather it is cowardice and accommodation.

But to proclaim  there is salvation in no one else besides Jesus Christ, and that to receive it you must repent of your sins (including homosexual behavior), that takes real bravery. Doing so will  make you an actual rebel in our age. All it takes to rebel against the prevailing wind of the current sexual revolution is to be faithful to scripture. 

I was faced with this dilemma recently when I was invited to preach at a chapel that our church regularly staffs. This chapel had  a new chaplain, and when I met him it was clear he and I were not on the same page. He proudly wore rainbow earrings and talked about how different perspectives and traditions are all just the same. When I arrived I had in my hand a prepared message that did not address the obvious problems with this man’s views. What should I do? 

I was faced with a choice. Accommodate the new chaplain’s blue jean mentality, or adjust my message on the fly to confront these lies. This was not an easy decision. No one wants to be that guy, not even me. The pressure to pretend we were on the same page was immense. 

So what did I do? I came to the conclusion I may be the only person who comes into this chapel and actually preaches the gospel to these people. So I adjusted my message on the fly to cover topics like sin, repentance, and how faith in Jesus is the only way to God, and the surety of God’s judgment for sin. I told the chaplain the Baptist perspective (which he had said was in essence the same as all the others) is that God’s Word is central, so I preached his word faithfully. 

It was obvious the chaplain did not care for my message. After the service we awkwardly parted ways. In that moment it was clear, one of us thought he was rebel, but only one of us was not accommodating the spirit of the age. I do not tell this story to paint myself as a hero, for I am not. I am more than likely a fool who could have done his job much better. This story though illustrates an important point. We can either seek to rebel against God through accommodating the spirit of the age or we can rebel against the spirit of the age. If we rebel against God, the world will praise us and God will judge us. If we rebel against the spirit of the age God will bless us and the world will hate us. The choice should be easy, but often it isn’t. 

This is a choice many of us will face in coming years. We can either put on the blue jeans of our age to fit in, or we can be faithful to the God of the Universe and in the process become rebels to our society. To choose cultural accommodation would be cowardice and faithlessness. To choose obedience to God will require bravery, grace, and faith. Like the faithful who have come before us, if we choose to fear God instead of man, we will not fit in, but we will be blessed by God for our obedience. But if we choose to put on the blue jeans of the day, we will find ourselves in a crowd,  who all look eerily similar, shaking our collective fists at God.  

Feeling the Bern?

This past week Bernie Sanders had an exchange with Russell Vought over whether or it is appropriate for a public official to believe Jesus is the only way to be saved. I encourage you to watch from the above link.  Sanders was upset about comments Vought made in relation to a debate occurring at Wheaton College, his alma mater. The debate centered around a professor at this Christian school claiming Muslims worship the same God as Christians. There were many layers in the exchange between Sanders and Vought which deserve careful thinking:

  • Sanders’ line of questioning appears unconstitutional as he is asking for someone’s theological beliefs to determine eligibility for public office
  • The exclusivity of Christianity in its assertion Jesus is the only way to God and what practical implications that should have on our public discourse
  • Sanders’ apparent shock there are people who actually believe what Christ and Scripture teach as well as what the church has confessed for two thousand years

All those discussions should be had, but I want to focus in the worldview and reasoning behind the argument Sanders made in this exchange. Sanders' argument is illogical, inconsistent, lacks intellectual honesty, and is in the end a byproduct of a devout hostility toward Christianity. Unfortunately, these traits are all too common in the secular left of our day. 

What makes this more pressing is Sanders should know better, he was almost the Democratic nominee for president after all. He had very passionate followers, even from those who identify as being evangelical. While some evangelicals were feeling the Bern, the feeling apparently wasn’t mutual.

Here is the statement we should consider from Sanders:

Let me get to this issue that has bothered me and bothered many other people. And that is in the piece that I referred to that you wrote for the publication called Resurgent. You wrote, “Muslims do not simply have a deficient theology. They do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned.” Do you believe that that statement is Islamophobic?

It is clear from his line of questioning, Sanders believes the claim that Christ is the only way to be saved is Islamophobic.  In response we must ask, “What does it mean be ‘phobic’ of something?”

According to Sanders, being phobic of a people group amounts to thinking their beliefs are wrong,  thinking you are right, and thinking these beliefs have an actual impact.

For example, Christians believe Muslims (and any other religion) are wrong because they reject Jesus as God and Savior. Christians believe they are right in their belief that Jesus is God in the flesh and the only way to be saved. Christians believe being right or wrong in this area will have significant impact on your future (heaven or hell).  According to Sanders, such beliefs are Islamophobic.

We can safely deduce then, according to Sanders' worldview, Christianity is also Jewish-phobic, Hindu-phobic, Buddha-phobic, Atheist-phobic, etc.

Is this really what it means to be phobic?

If this is what it means to be phobic of others, to think they are wrong, you’re right, and it matters, then we are all phobics. Christians do believe Jesus is the only way because this is what Jesus taught, this is what Scripture teaches, and this is what the church has believed for 2,000 years. We believe we are right, and we are not the only ones who believe they are right.

If Christians are Islamophobic for believing they alone have access to salvation, then Muslims are Christo-phobic. Islam teaches Jesus is not God, they teach he did not die for our sins, and they teach salvation is not found in him. They believe Christians are wrong. They are in the same boat as Russell Vought.  

According to Islam, you must follow the Five Pillars of Islam to be saved. One of those pillars is the confession that Allah alone is God (not Jesus) and Mohammed is his prophet. This confession excludes all Christians from salvation. Following Sanders' logic, Muslims are Christo-phobic and their beliefs are offensive to billions of Christians around the world. We could use the reasoning for every world religion and every worldview including the beliefs of the secular, relativistic left of which Sanders is a part.

The secular left often pretends they are above these religious squabbles, but all-the-while they hold their beliefs to be untouchable and absolute. If you disagree every path leads to God, then you stand condemned as a bigot. If you deny everyone is right, then you are wrong. This is the creed of relativism and at its core is the dogma that they are more right than everyone else.

Sanders clearly believes anyone who confesses Jesus as the only way to be saved is wrong, and that he is right. He believes so strongly Christianity is wrong and dangerous that he cannot even vote to confirm person to public office who confesses Christ as Savior.

By doing this, Sanders has done the very thing he vehemently condemns. He has made an absolute claim to truth, and to the truth about salvation. In doing so, he is saying Vought, and all who agree with him, are wrong. Where he diverges from Vought though is Sanders wants to discriminate against those who disagree with him by barring them from public office.

If to be phobic simply means to believe you are right, others are wrong, and it matters, then Sanders is the King of the phobics.  According to his reasoning,  Sanders is himself Christo-phobic and unfit for office because he thinks Christianity is wrong and that he is right.

It doesn’t stop there. If he truly believes no religion should make truth claims about salvation, then he must be against Islam as well. Sanders is then found to be Islamophobic and just as unfit for office as he claims Vought is! 

At least Vought’s views were only offensive to one of the two largest religions in the world, while Sander’s is offensive to both. But I do not think we should hold our collective breath waiting for Sanders to resign from office. His reasoning conveniently does not apply to his own beliefs. 

Leaving Sanders' reasoning behind, we should be able to disagree with others about important things and refrain from automatically labeling them as being phobic or intolerant. We need to relearn  the virtue of civil disagreement, that is how to disagree with someone and still treat them with respect. Sanders has lost sight of that, along with most of Washington.  

The Heart Behind the Reasoning

Seeing the absurdity of Sanders' argument and the inconsistency by which he applies it, we must ask ourselves the question, “Why do Sanders, and others in the secular left, zealously apply this reasoning to Christians, but not to Muslims or to themselves?”

The truth is Bernie thinks he is right. The truth is secular leftism is a religion which will suffer no rivals. It is fine if you call yourself a Christian as long as you bend the knee to their view of relativism. It is fine if you are a Christian as long as you do not actually believe Christian things. Secular relativism has it truth claims, its own prophets, its own goal, and its own rivals. And its chief rival is Christianity.

Why do Sanders and others target Christianity? Because it is public enemy number one. Why does it not apply this reasoning to Muslims and other religions? Because they see them as allies against the greater enemy of Christianity. 

Sanders has shown us what he really thinks of any Christian who believes what Christ taught. Such a person “is really not someone who this country is supposed to be about.” His words flow from his religious adherence to relativism [there is no absolute truth] and the religion of the secular left. This displays his own phobic ideas and discrimination against those who disagree with him as he thinks they are unfit for office and even unfit this country based on their religous beliefs. 

Bernie wants you to know: If you dare to believe Scripture, this country is not for you. If you dare to believe Jesus, then you are unfit for public office. At least we now know what he believes, and how inconsistent his beliefs are.

If this is what it means to feel the Bern, count me out. 


Should the Church Teach Morality?

Morals and rules are not popular at all today. What could be more passé and old fashioned than telling people there is a right way to live and a wrong way to live? People do not want to be told what to do. We would rather determine what is best for ourselves than to be held to some universal standard. This is at the heart of our culture’s relativism and ultimately its decay—we are allergic to claims of universal morality. 

I expect this line of thinking from those who are outside of the church; it is after all, the dominant belief in our world. Its popularity is driven by the fact that our hearts are sinful and it is appealing for us to set ourselves up as mini-gods who determine what is right. None of this is surprising, but what is surprising is how so many in the church, even the conservative and reformed church, who also want to throw out morality. It has become hip and trendy to rip into teaching morality within the church.

I often come across arguments the reason why so many youth leave the church, and why so many adults don’t like the church,  is because it is just a bunch of rules. Some within the church respond by deemphasizing the teaching of rules and morality. We shouldn’t teach morality, rather we should focus on grace and on Jesus. I have nothing against grace or Jesus, obviously, yet can we really understand these important things without a proper understanding and emphasis on morality?

Below are three responses to the argument the church should minimize its teaching of rules or morality and should instead focus on grace and Jesus.

  1. Why do we even need grace? I love grace. Without grace I am totally lost. The grace of God is central to the Christian faith, but what is grace and why is it needed? Grace is the free gift of God to rule-breakers stuck in immorality and sin. Without knowing the rules of God’s moral code, we cannot know our need for God’s grace. The Law of God is a grace he has given to us to show us our sinfulness and our need for a Jesus Christ. Moreover, the grace God gives to his people is not just a grace for the future; it also changes their hearts so that they live holy, moral lives right now. The fact our culture doesn't like morality and doesn't see the need for it, means we must teach it if they are to understand their need for grace.
  2. Why did Jesus need to die? It is no shock that Christ is central to Christianity. But why did he come? Why did he need to die? When Adam and Eve chose to sin, to break God’s rules, death was introduced into this world. The wages of sin is death. Christ came to die for our sins to pay the wages we owe. Without knowing about the universal morality of the Creator God, there is no need for the sacrificial death of Christ. You simply cannot rightly understand the gospel without knowing something of the moral perfection of God and our rebellion against it.  
  3. Jesus taught rules, commands, and morals as central to being one of his followers. One only has to read any of the gospels to see  Jesus taught a lot about what is right and what is wrong. He taught of our need to love others and God, our need to forgive others, our need to holy. He made moral statements like this, “If you love me you will keep my commands” (John 14.15). Obeying Christ’s commands, his morality, is what we are called to do. You cannot love him without obeying his rules. Teaching obedience to the commands of Christ is also commanded to the Church by Christ in Matthew 28.18-20, “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Jesus has commanded us specifically to teach others to obey everything he has commanded. This is a command to teach his rules and the moral code he taught. In order for the church to be faithful, it must teach these things.

Generations often overreact and overcorrect from the generation before. While many in the past focused in too much on morality to the exclusion of Christ, many in my generation want to focus on Christ to the exclusion of his moral teaching. It is best to avoid both of these errors.

The world does not like much hearing about rules, but is that surprising? Instead shaping our message according to what the world wants to hear, we should listen to the command of Christ to teach people to obey everything he has commanded. To some this will appear to be nothing more than death, and to others it will bring life (2 Cor. 2.15-16). The outcome is not ours to determine, rather we are called to be faithful to our mission. Our message, rather than conforming to the culture, is to challenge the culture by calling it to repentance and faith in Christ.

God has a moral code which reflects his perfect righteousness revealed chiefly in the person, work, and teachings of Jesus Christ. All will be held account to that standard. While the church must never only teach rules and morals, it certainly must not teach less than that. The message of the church is about the grace Christ bought for his people. This impacts every facet of life, especially how we are to live. It is precisely because we have a real moral need, that Jesus is so great. He met that need which we could never meet, and when we come to him he transforms us so that we can start to grow in obeying him.

When we preach grace, the gospel, and Jesus morality is essential to being faithful to what God has entrusted us with. Yes the church must teach morality, but it must so in light of Jesus Christ. 

Looking in All the Wrong Places

If you have ever lost something, then you know how frustrating it is to try to find something when you have no idea where to look.  Knowing where to look for something is of vital importance to success. In spiritual matters knowing where to look is even more important. Satan knows the value of misdirection as a tool to lead people astray. His misdirection is furthered by our own spiritual blindness apart from God. 

Our blindness and tendency to look in the wrong places works itself out in two ways today—looking for God and looking for who to blame in the wrong places. How you answer these questions reveals a lot of what you believe about God, yourself, the world, and salvation. It should come as no surprise that the popular answers in our age stand in stark contrast to Christian belief. 

Looking For God Within

In his book, Above All Earthly Pow’rs, David Wells tells of the rise in popularity of spirituality in our relativistic world. While this may sound like good news for Christians, this new thirst for spirituality is decidedly anti-Christian. Wells demonstrates that most people in the west believe spirituality and connection with God comes from within, not from external revelation like Scripture. In other words, if you want to have a relationship with God, if you want to know him, all you have to do in turn inward and get to know yourself better. Salvation comes by looking within and becoming more self-actualized. The spiritual search begins and ends with the self. 

According to this spiritual search we find God in ourselves. By turning inward we search for an experience of a spiritual nature, whatever that means, which confirms that we are connected to God naturally. Basically we are one with God.  Each of us can have our own subjective experiences with “God” within ourselves which no one is allowed to judge.  Of course, when we turn within to find God we are in fact making ourselves into gods. It is our intuitions, our experiences, our desires, and our imaginations that come to define who God is. In the end, we have turned the self into our idol to be worshiped by ourselves. 

The God of Scripture, though intimate with his creation, is separate from it. Moreover, mankind is separated from God by our sin. If you hope to find God by turning to yourself, who happens to be a sinner, you will never find God.  The God who is there, is found outside of us. He is an objective reality, a personal God who really does exist. If we want to know him, it cannot come by you reaching up to him; rather, it comes by him reaching down to us in grace. This is done chiefly in the person and work of the God-man—Jesus Christ. If you hope to find God by turning inward, you will never find him because you are looking in the wrong place. 

Looking Outside for the Problem

It should come as no surprise when we make ourselves into mini-gods, that when we look for the chief problem in mankind that it must be outside of ourselves. After all, if we are divine, we cannot be at fault. Paul Tripp points out this reality in his work, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, that when something goes wrong we are quick to assign blame anywhere but with ourselves.  When we get angry it is someone else’s fault we are angry. When we treat someone with disrespect, it turns out it is their fault because they were mean to us first!  Where do we look for the source of our problems? Externally we are told. If we are gods, the problems must come from the outside. 

The flavor of the day is that everyone is a victim and nothing is anyone’s fault. This clashes headlong with the testimony of Scripture. Jesus tells us we do what we want to do and our actions reveal our hearts (Luke 6:43-45; Matt. 23:25-26; Matt. 6:19-24). What Christianity asserts is that our chief problem is our individual sin as sinners. My chief problem is my sin. Your chief problem is your sin. We are sinners and we must start our search of what is wrong by humbly looking within. Not only am I the problem, I cannot be the solution. I need someone greater than myself. 

Looking in the Right Places

We look within to find God and we look outside of ourselves to assign blame. Both are futile searches because they are looking in the wrong place. We are told to find God within and to always assign blame elsewhere.  Scripture’s message to us is that we are full of ourselves and that we are digging in the wrong field. 

These searches also display our extreme self-righteousness.  We make ourselves primary to accessing God thus making ourselves out to be divine. Then we arrogantly shift all blame away from ourselves. We have a very high view of ourselves, one God does not share.

The gospel of the age says I can act first by reaching inward to find God. But the gospel of Jesus Christ shows us God must act first, he must grant us grace. We cannot find him by searching within, there is only sin, blindness, and death found within.  We must know God on his terms, as he revealed himself to us in his Word and in the person of Christ. He must reach down to us and reveal himself to us and grant us eyes to see. 

The Bible tells us that we must look within to find the problem. We are sinners, not gods. We need a savior who is God. This is what Jesus did. He came as the God-man to save us. And his call to us is not about self-realization, but for us to repent and believe in him (not ourselves). 

We must flip the script. We are to look within to see our sin and thus our need for a savior. Then we must turn and look outside of ourselves to the God of the universe. Only in him is there salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ.  He has revealed himself to us, and he has told us where to look. In order to find God we must first realize we are not him and that we are the problem. 


Knowing Our Enemy

In our Adult Sunday School Class we are looking at how to grow in personal holiness. This past week we discussed sin—its origin, nature, and characteristics. Why would we study what sin is and how it impacts us?

First, because it is wise to know your enemy. Growing up playing basketball our team would watch tape of our opponents to learn their tendencies and plays. This would give us an idea of how to defend against them and hopefully beat them. The same is true of sin. If we understand how it seeks to lead us astray we can prepare ourselves for it.

Second, when we look at the pervasiveness of sin it should drive us to the gospel. Left to ourselves, with our sinful nature, there is no hope to defeat sin at all. This foe is beyond any of us, so we must run to Christ with everything we have. In him alone is there hope for salvation.

Below is a list of some of the characteristics of sin we covered. As you read through this list it should be become evident how much you need someone greater than yourself. We are sinners by nature and by choice and this means we are already impacted by these effects of sin:

Sin is hostility toward God

  • Since sin is defined as a failure to meet God’s law and his character, sin is thus hostility to God
  • Sin is cosmic rebellion, it is nothing short of shaking our fists and spitting in the face of the one who made us and sustains us

Sin is also hostility toward others

  • When we sin against others we are showing hostility toward them
  • When we choose to sin against someone we are choosing that sin over loving that person

Sin is deceptive

  • Satan is the great deceiver and sin operates by blinding us to truth, to reality, to ourselves, to others and to God
  • Sin promises us so much like satisfaction, identity, fulfillment, joy, life, freedom but it simply cannot deliver on those promises
  • This deception is powerful because it appeals to our desires and our fallen nature

Sin is death

  • God is the source of life, he even sustains the lives of sinners, but sin is opposed to the very source of life
  • Sin promises life, it promises that we will be like God, but it only delivers death
  • The wages of sin is death, but even now those in Adam, those not in Christ, are spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins (Eph. 2.1)
  • In the end sin leads to eternal death of body and soul in hell
  • This means when we choose sin we are choosing death over life
  • Is it no wonder that this world and culture is marked by death?

Sin is slavery

  • Sin promises freedom but it leads to bondage
  • Jesus says in John 8:34, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.”
  • Since we all sin, we all are slaves to it 
  • Only Christ can free us from this slavery

Sin is anti-human

  • Man was made in the image of God and we were at that time without sin
  • In the new creation we will be without sin made in the perfect image of the Son of Man
  • This means the initial and final state of mankind is sinless
  • Far from giving us an identity, or a purpose, sin actually destroys the purpose humanity was created for—to be in relation with God
  • Sin is therefore anti true humanity

Sin is madness

  • Sin does not make any sense and it does not align with the reality of God
  • This makes sin crazy as  it fights against the basis of all reality
  • As one goes down the path of sin, a person or a culture, their madness and craziness only increases
  • So much so that God will even hand them over to it as a judgment (Rom. 1-2)

Sin is a foe beyond any of us

  • We are born into this death, this slavery, and yet we love it and choose it for ourselves
  • The impact is we stray from our designed purpose, from God, from reality, and we run toward death and madness
  • There is no strength in man to oppose such an enemy
  • We are in a sense our own worst enemy

Seeing all of this helps to put into perspective how great our savior is. Where we failed, he succeeded. Where we sin, he is holy and perfect. Where we are dead, he chose death so that he might bring eternal life to us. We have given in to sin and death, but He has overcome it. Jesus Christ is the only hope we have to see, to live, to return our original purpose, to be sane, and to be saved. All glory belongs to Christ our Lord who died in the place of sinners and who defeated our enemy by the power of his indestructible life. By better seeing sin we should be able to  turn to Christ with renewed praise, worship, and dependence.